Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions, including notification of absence, rescheduling of individual lessons and cancellation of a position in a continuous course.

På Svenska

1. Rescheduling of individual lessons

In case of illness or absence, always notify your teacher as soon as possible.
LIMUS applies the 48-hour rule: In order to replace a lesson, you need to make a cancellation to your teacher 48 hours (at the latest) before scheduled time. Otherwise, the lesson will expire. The cancellation should to be sent to the teacher by text message or e-mail.

1.1 Replacement lessons
Line 1 = Courses in “Music Kindergarten”: Group lessons cannot be replaced.
Line 2 = Courses in “Growing with music”: You are allowed to reschedule a maximum of two (2) lessons per term, given that you have notified your teacher by text message or e-mail 48 hours (at the latest) before the scheduled lesson time. A replacement lesson must fit in our teacher’s regular schedule, preferably within our two replacement weeks.
Lessons missed at a group session cannot be replaced.
Kompiskurs (2d): If only one of the students comes to the lesson, the lesson is considered used. If BOTH students give notice of cancellation by text or e-mail earlier than 48 hours before the scheduled lesson, a maximum of two (2) lessons can be replaced. The teacher will decide the lesson time.
Students who have applied through Staffanstorps or Lunds music school cheque: No replacement lessons are given. This applies to students with the addition course (2e) as well.
Line 3 = “Mindfulness in Music”, punchticket: You are allowed to reschedule a lesson 48 hours (at the latest) in advance. Mind the expiration date of the punchticket and remember: late cancellation and the lessons expires.
Line 4 and 6 = Group lessons cannot be replaced.
Line 5 = “Maxflex”: see Line 3.
Summer courses: The lessons for the entire punchticket are scheduled at the beginning of the course.  Thereafter, just one (1) lesson can be rescheduled according to the 48 hours rule. Vinterklippkort: The three lessons are scheduled before the first lesson. The times are then set and no lessons can be flexed. Note the expiration date of the course.

1.2. Ill teacher:

If your teacher is ill or absent we will arrange for a substitute teacher, or propose to reschedule your lesson.
If possible, we will always try to contact you if a lesson has to be cancelled. Always keep your contact info updated with us.

2. Cancelling your position
General: Please note that you have no right of withdrawal according to the Distance Contracts Act when registering for our courses. This is explicitly stated in the law, see DAL ch. 2. Section 11 p. 12. In case of late cancellation, we have the right to charge reasonable costs.

2.1. Cancelling your position a continuous course (listed student, line 2)

A written cancellation is required in case you want to leave a position in one of our continuous courses. Discussing it with your teacher is recommended but not enough. Send your cancellation by mail to LIMUS, Helgeandsgatan 7, 223 54 LUND. Write your name, personal number and your teachers name.  Important! Last day for cancellation is 1st of May for the autumn term and 1st of December for the spring term.

2.1.1. Cancelling your position in a continuous course (listed student, line 2) after the last cancellation day has passed:
LIMUS is mailing invoices to listed students in December for the spring term and June for the autumn term.
If you do not wish to continue – and have missed the first deadline – please contact us before the expiration date on the invoice. In that case, we only charge an administration fee of 600 SEK.
If your cancellation arrives at LIMUS after the expiration date on the invoice, you will have to pay half the course fee.
If your cancellation arrives at LIMUS later than 48 hours before the official start of the course you will have to pay the entire course fee.

2.1.2. Cancelling a application for a continuous course ( line 2, new student)

From the date of the application, you have 14 days to take it back with no charge. After that, your application will be binding.
Note! Cancelling the application is not possible if we have agreed upon a lesson time, teacher and have sent you the welcome e-mail.  After the welcome e-mail has been sent, but earlier than 48 hours before the first lesson, you will have to pay half the course fee. After that, you will have to pay the entire course fee.

Cancelling your application before we have offered you a position: In case of queue we will inform you as soon as an available position appears and hold it for you. If you don’t accept a reserved place you will be charged with an administration fee of 600 SEK.  Therefore, please do notify us in case you are leaving your queue position.

2.2. Cancelling your application for the punchticket (line 3) or within a course in “Joy and Knowledge” (line 4)

Course 3a), 3b) och 5b): If you have changed your mind, just notify us by email before the expiration date on your invoice.  We will only charge an administration fee of 600 SEK and the cost for already used lessons. After the expiration date you will have to pay the entire course fee.

Group courses 4a), 4c) och 4d) After the application date you have 14 days to cancel without any fees. For cancellation later than that we charge an administration fee of 600 kr. If you apply later then 14 days before the course start and regret your application you will have to pay half of the full course fee. 

2.3 Cancelling your application for a course within Music Kindergarten (line 1) or Instrumentkarusellen (4b)

Cancelling an application to Music Kindergarten or Instrumentkarusellen costs 600 SEK in administration fee. Cancelling later than four weeks before course start will cost half the course fee. If you apply later than 4 weeks before the course start and regret your application you will have to pay half of the full course fee.  From ten work days before course start and after the course has started, cancelling will cost the entire course fee.

2.4. Cancelling your application for Summer course, Vinterklippkortet, a Music Kindergarten summer course, or Instrumentkarusellen summer course
Summer courses and Vinterklippkortet are seasonal commodities and are scheduled individually. We book your first lesson together with you and send you a welcome letter by e-mail. Should you wish to withdraw you application before the booking was done, no administration fee will be charged.  Cancelling after a place was booked will cost the entire course fee.

Summer courses in Music Kindergarten, as well as Instrumenkarusellen summer courses, are group courses with a fixed schedule. Cancelling an application costs 400 SEK in administration fee. From ten work days before course start and after the course has started, cancelling will cost the entire course fee.

2.5. Cancelling your application for our music camps or music examinations
Cancelling after a place in our camps or examinations has been confirmed will cost half of the fee.
From ten work days before the start, and after the camp or exam has started, cancelling will cost the entire fee.

2.6. Cancelling your position in a continuous course with Music cheque in Lunds and Staffanstorps kommun

A place with the music cheque in Lund needs to be cancelled directly to Lunds kommun.
See more here.
Last day to cancel the music cheque is 1st of May for the fall term and 1st of December for the spring term.
Cancelling your place later than that will cost an administrative fee from Lunds kommun of 250 SEK.
Cancelling even later, after 15th of September or 1st of February, will cost the entire fee for the term.

Staffanstorps kommun require two months’ notice for cancellation, all year round. The term is paid for in the Studyalong system latest 7th of June for the fall term and 10th of Dec for the spring term. Cancellation is made in the Studyalong system. Please also send a written cancellation to us at fredrik.limus@lundsmusiksalong.se

3.) Photos and filming: At our concerts, workshops and lessons we sometimes take photos and films of the students. We do this primarily to show them to the students themselves for educational purposes, or for their family and friends. It is also a way of presenting our school to those who wish to know more about us. The photos and videos are shown first and foremost on our homepage and on our own Facebook. Very rarely we invest in marketing using them and then primarily through the newspaper. We never give out the students’ names without first asking for permission. By approving our terms and conditions you also approve of our way of handling photos and films. If you do not wish for your child to be seen on a photo or on a film, we ask you to communicate this to us by e-mail on info@lundsmusiksalong.se
